OMB Circular A-21 does not directly address cost sharing as it is an integral part of OMB Circular A-110.  So why is it included in the A-21 training? -- Any time costs are shared, A-21 requirements and some special considerations must be examined to be sure that there is no double charging, and that the CAS or other provisions of A-21 have not been violated.  The brief discussion which follows will provide you with  a basic understanding of Cost Sharing The OMB Circular A-110 training program will cover this in more depth. 

General Criteria:
Before embarking on a course of cost sharing, certain criteria must be met.  Check and evaluate each of these criteria against your proposed budget, and then if you meet these criteria, then proceed further.

When is it Cost Sharing?
When it meets the above criteria, it must still be determined if it is truly cost sharing or just a fanciful idea as an afterthought so as to stretch the budget.  For it to really be treated as cost sharing it must be:

So. . .  you meet all the above criteria and you are still considering cost sharing?  Then be sure that you: "proceed with Extreme Caution!"

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